          國民大會:山崩橋斷埋人車(3/5) 20100428 You should leave that 山崩 alone (Do not remove those Earth out of that road; because you have no way to do better than the natural wild if you w 景觀設計ant to cover back that Earth.), not to waste any man power to kill that natural right; and tell anyone to take risk by self if anyone wants to 室內裝潢 take risk to go that path (Leave it to the people who really want to bridge that block to risk the deadly end by themselves. Government must stop abusing the 買房子public fund to commit that crime to dragon down all your Tax payers next life. Therefore, from now on, you must not rely on Government to abuse public power to waste tax payers public f 禮服und to construct any road or repare any damage road; you have to rely on those rich and famous private citizens to get your Court to approve them to spend their own money to hire their own most trustful personal t 開幕活動o make that repair; or make construction road on their own land, then donate to the public to use free of charge or charge any "Gwall.Look.Fat" like Toll [Government must have no right to build any toll road to charge anyone, there 買屋fore, all government hired toll road worker must be fired immediately or concentrate camped like illegal immigration must have to be forced, or be killed like illegal immigration may be faced <Because those shameless lawless Godless suckers cannot 酒店經紀make living by themselves, cannot have any positive to the free society, dare shameless eating public fund committed cold cold hard crime "Way.Chain.10.Went" worse than any private helpless powerless illegal immigration>; all current public funded toll road must be tota 術後面膜lly Free of Charge to every one equally; government must not be allowed to spend any public fund to make any damage repair, any road damage must have to rely on any rich and famous who care the road safety to ask your Court to approve him or her or them to make any repair for the safety sake.] road sho 房屋出租a>wed. Any road or land that belong to public, must not be allow to make any construction by anyone any more, so that to help your Taiwan back to better natural environment from time to time.)   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 售屋網  .

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