          Why all you must work for your military free of charge? Because if you don't, you wil 辦公室出租l 商務中心like those western do 買屋ctors slaved by liars like Chinese said "狐.Job 售屋網.虎.Way", your doctors, your nurses, your hospitals, your clinics, your 西裝外套 labs, all tooled fooled by evil doers like 任職醫院管理賴佑哲 (速立反仇恨犯罪法/賴佑哲 出 西服處:自由電子報, if you play game not free of charge, you can only lik 賣屋e NBA player be sold and bought worse than any real black slave sold into USA in the wild wild west barbarian times. This is why, yo 買屋u all should not work, stay at home, do whatever you like, spending away all your saving honestly, then, you can have all your freedom to see any bill like nothin 票貼g, completely free of charge at your own consciousness. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 借貸  .

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